Now, I am not a big fan of Valentine's Day for lots of reasons. The main one being you shouldn't show your affection on just one day, it should be an everyday type of thing. That and doing something elaborate to show your love should be spontaneous and not planned for one day.  Before I understood any of that, I hated it for another reason. It all started in 5th Grade.

I had been "dating" this girl for about a couple weeks. I use dating loosely because in 5th grade it is mainly kinda just hanging out at lunch and during breaks with the occasional hand holding thrown in there. Anyway, I am this nerdy little kid with giant glasses that was "dating" and that dreaded day was coming up... Valentine's. DUN DUN DUN!


My school was offering little Valentine-grams for ten bucks and it included a balloon, some flowers and some candy that they will bring to your special someone during class. The perfect little set! The only problem was I didn't have ten bucks so I had to do some chores to make the money. Finally! Got the money, so I went and placed my order and waited for the special day.

It is finally time. I am waiting in class and then the door opens and in comes the gifts. They go straight to her and give her the goodies. She smiles, turns bright red and everyone says "OOOOooooOOO" and pretty sure I turned a little red. Class is over and she comes up to me to thank me and then says those dreaded words, "I don't want to be with you anymore." WHAT!?!?! She lays that bombshell on me and then grabs her stuff and leaves. If I remember correctly, I think tears were in my eyes, and some people stayed there awkwardly trying to help and then my "Friend" at the time turns to me and asks, "Can I date her?"

That is my Valentine's Day horror story. I know I was only in 5th grade but DAMN! Who does that? Do you have a bad Valentine's Day Story?

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