Colorado Ranks Low In Top 100 Best Cities To Get & Stay Married
While Colorado is beautiful and full of adventure, it's not ranked very high as far as a place to get and stay married in. Do you agree?
Should You Get Married In Colorado? Survey Says Nope.
Marriage is one of the biggest moments in most people's lives. The start of a relationship that then evolves into a point where you know you simply can not live without your partner. That feeling makes you want to be sure the love of your life knows just how much they mean to you and in most people's thoughts, not all mind you, but a majority see the next likey step is saving for that ring, coming up with a plan to pop the question, getting to that perfect moment, and boom, you're on your way to being together for life. That is unless you live in Colorado... According to this crazy survey anyway.
Is Colorado A Bad Place For Married Couples?
Our friends at LawnStarter ranked the Best Cities to get and stay married in, and sadly, Colorado was way down the list of their findings. The crew compared nearly 200 of the biggest cities in the United States, looking at various stats like current marriage rate, marriage stability, less than 5-year divorce rate, wedding venues, and more. Apparently, we failed in all of those categories.
Out of the 190 cities that LawnStarter ranked, Colorado was barely in the Top 100. Checking in at number 87, was Denver, Colorado with a score of 44.98. The next closest city was Colorado Springs at number 107 with a score of 43.18. Fort Collins checked in at number 115, Lakewood at 117, Thornton at 120, and Aurora at number 139. Yes, we do have some cities on their top 190 ranking list but you've got to scroll to find them. Bellevue, Washington was number one in case you were wondering. Never heard of it... Probably why so many people are happy there.
Do you agree with this? Born and raised in Denver, Colorado, and my wife and I have been married for 8 years. As far as I'm concerned, she's locked up for life so I don't necessarily agree with where we rank. I've spent my whole life though proving people wrong and I'm happy to do it again.