Latest Prediction Places Next Solar Eclipse Over Colorado
Each time there’s a solar eclipse, there is a palpable sense of excitement in the air. Looking up at the moon-covered sun through those special glasses is a truly breathtaking sight.
However, the last two total eclipses in the country did not go directly over Colorado.
In the 2017 eclipse, Colorado did in fact get very close, with most of the state being in a 90% coverage zone. Coloradans could travel north to Wyoming to see the total eclipse, which isn’t too bad.
However, this year’s eclipse was likely pretty anticlimactic if you saw it in Colorado. This year, the Front Range saw a coverage of 60-70%, which is by no means bad, but not the levels of 2017.
However, next time around, Coloradans have the chance to see the total eclipse from their backyards.
The Next Total Solar Eclipse is Heading Straight Through Colorado
That’s right, the next solar eclipse that is going to pass through the United States will be along the path of totality.
However, there is bad news; it won’t happen for 21 years.
According to CBS News, the 2045 eclipse’s path of totality will cross west to east, and will directly go over Colorado Springs. Denver will be just north of being able to see the totality.
2045’s eclipse will actually be preceded by a different eclipse in 2044. Before you get excited about that one, it will only hit the Northern tips of Montana and North Dakota.
After 2045’s eclipse, there will be an even longer wait for the next one to appear. It’ll take place in 2078, and fly over the South.
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