Colorado Has Millions in Unclaimed Money, Here’s How to Get Yours
First of all, what is 'unclaimed property?' Colorado's Unclaimed Property Website describes it as this: 'Unclaimed property includes, but is not limited to, abandoned financial assets such as stocks and dividends, mutual funds, checking and savings accounts, unpaid wages, securities, life insurance payouts, uncashed checks that are without activity for a certain period of time...'
Basically, the state could have some of your money that you probably didn't even know about, and the State Treasurer's Great Colorado Payback is in charge of helping you claim it.
You could personally have assets you lost track of, or your business could, too.
Kiss Casper reported that Wyoming's treasury has around $70 million in unclaimed property this year, and in 2017, the state was able to get $6.5 million of $8 million back to its rightful owners.
If you're a Coloradan, here's how you find out if you have unclaimed money from 2018. (I didn't) :(