The city of Fort Collins is not only known for the delectable beer the city offers, but is also known for the growing restaurant scene that has taken over.

If you like sushi, there is always Sushi Jeju which is located on the northern end of Old Town.

Credit: Google
Credit: Google

How about trying one of the biggest pizzas known to man at Pizza Casbah, which is located on Laurel?

Credit: Google
Credit: Google

Of course, if Mexican food is what your stomach is craving, you and your family could always be enticed by Pueblo Viejo.

Credit: Google
Credit: Google

Whatever it is you are looking for, it is somewhere in Old Town. But which restaurant is your favorite?

Place your vote below so we can tally all of the results, and we'll list the top twenty restaurants in a future story! And if you work at one of the restaurants listed, tell all your coworkers and friends so you can be featured in the next story!

(You can choose up to three of your favorites, and if you don't see yours listed than write it in!)

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