5 Foods You Shouldn’t Eat When Trying to Lose Weight
It would seem that when you are trying to shed a few pounds that this list would be common sense, but for some it may not be. Here is a list of 5 foods you shouldn't eat when trying to lose weight.
- White Bread: this is so yummy, but is loaded with starches and sugars and empty calories... here's a way to look at it: you have your entire life to eat for taste, today, put down the white bread and reach your goals without it. Then, once in awhile, splurge and add it back in.
- Fried Foods: we're really talking about the saturated fats here, since losing fat is easier without adding the fried foods to the mix. Every so often it's okay to dive into a few hot wings, but on the whole, it's best to say no no to fried foods. (especially things like french fries-- talk about a double whammy with fried and sugar/starch)
- Creamy Salad Dressing: it really goes back to saturated fats: if you drown your salad in a creamy dressing, you might as well be eating fried chicken, mashed potatoes and creamed corn-- you have just taken the healthy out of your salad. If oils and vinegars aren't your style and you can't eat it plain, try changing the ingredients in your salad. There are many things to top your lettuce that taste better with olive oil and a dash of sea salt than others, experiment.
- White Rice: yep, it is delicious, but does nothing for you. Skip it or opt for brown rice. If you can't get into brown rice try mixing the two. Start with two parts brown rice and one part white rice, and then start taking more white rice out each time. If this is just not going to work (it will though, we promise) do not eat more than 1/3 cup of white rice at one sitting-- ever! :)
- High Fructose Corn Syrup: we'd say sugar in general, but that is a big deal since sugar is in almost everything, you could go diet crazy if you tried to completely eliminate it from your diet all together. Be mindful of sugar in general and run like you're running from a bear in the woods from high fructose corn syrup.
Taking things out of your diet can be difficult, so don't beat yourself up if you have to take baby steps. As they say, the fat didn't appear overnight and it won't disappear that way either. A 1 to 2-pound weekly loss is what you should be aiming for to lose it successfully and keep it off. The small changes you make on a day to day basis will make a difference even if it doesn't feel like it initially.
Good luck and happy eating!