
A teacher at Kinard Middle School in Fort Collins is becoming a YouTube sensation. Chris Bergmann's science demonstration videos get thousands of views and his 'exploding pumpkin' video is closing in on one million views. It was even featured on Jay Leno earlier this week. Check it out below.

See kids? Learning IS cool.

Jay Leno used the video on his show earlier this week, taking the video a little out of context.

It's kind of cool to see a local teacher in the national spotlight, even if it is for just a few seconds.  Apparently Mr. Bergmann performs the exploding pumpkin trick as part of a Halloween demo day for his chemistry students every year.

He has videos uploaded of many class demonstrations; everything from 'air-zookas', to exploding pumpkins, 'elephant toothpaste', methane fireballs, and more. His YouTube channel makes me want to go find some old videos of Bill Nye the Science Guy.

I wish I had a science teacher like this when I was in middle school.

And the way he teaches and integrates the science experiments must be working well, as Kinard has some of the best test scores in Poudre School District and is in the top 5% of achievement scores in the state.

What was the best science experiment you were ever able to see in school?

Kinard Middle School is part of the Poudre School District, in Fort Collins, CO.

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