Which Places in Colorado Made the 2016 ‘Sinful Cities’ List?
Were you bad in 2016? These Colorado cities were, based on criteria like alcohol consumption, theft and, of course, strip clubs. Shame, shame!
I spent my holidays visiting family in San Diego, and I have to say, coming from Fort Collins -- which turned our last strip joint standing into a church of all things -- man, do some places host a lot of, um, adult entertainment? But, according to Wallet Hub, some Colorado cities can play a little dirty, too.
Of those 150 cities, there's Denver sitting in the top third at #49, and fourth overall in 'excessive drinking'... way to go, guys. Aurora on the other hand, was ranked as one of the cities with the least number of plastic surgeons per capita.
Conclusion -- In Colorado, we don't care how we look. Because we're drunk.
Want to see the full results, including Colorado Springs? Check out the whole report from Wallet Hub.