The American Association of State Troopers shared a contest with its followers last week asking the simple question-- which state cruiser is the sexiest?

OK, so that's not exactly the language that they're using, but we know that Colorado is straight-up bringing it when it comes to our cop cars.  Colorado is already the best in terms of happiness and health, but now, the fight rages on to be the best in best-looking law enforcement, too.

The contest lasts until 5 p.m. on August 14th, so there's still time to reign supreme!  Here are the instructions from the AAST Facebook page:

Cast your vote for the Best Looking Cruiser through August 14, 2017 by clicking “like” on the individual photo. Please note that while we welcome your comments about the vehicles, comments will not count as votes; only “likes” for individual cruisers will be counted. The winner will be presented with the "Best Looking Cruiser Award" and featured on the cover of the AAST's "America's Best Looking Trooper Cruisers 2018 Wall Calendar." Voting ends at 5:00 p.m. EST August 14, 2017. May the Best Looking Cruiser win! (Photos are submitted for participation in the contest by the state agency)

You heard 'em: make sure you've 'liked' Colorado's photo and encourage your friends to do it, as well.

It's nice to see our cruiser getting love on Facebook, but not only that, it's cool to see Colorado's State Troopers getting love from the community as well. Colorado's so used to being the best, and our lovely law enforcement should get credit, as well.



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