The Veteran's Plaza Memorial Day Weekend Event is dedicated to all who have served since 9/11. To honor every fallen hero since 9/11 approximately 7000 flags will be planted at the Plaza today (Thursday,May 22) and will remain through Memorial Day, Monday, May 26. Also on display at this time will be the “Remembering Our Colorado Fallen Wall,” which honors our own Colorado heroes. At 7pm Taps/prayer/bagpipe & 21 gun salute ceremonies will be held. The flags will also be lit up at dusk.

Flags planted to remember the fallen
Courtesy of Veterans Plaza

Saturday, May 24th is the official ceremony At Veterans Plaza in Fort Collins. Starting at 10 a.m. displays and information booths are open to the public. The official ceremony starts at noon and will run until 1:30 p.m.


There will be music, displays, vendors, food, guest speakers and many other items of interest, including a WWII biplane flyover, US Army Special Forces (Green Beret) soldiers telling their stories, and the largest American Flag in Colorado being flown at the entrance.

The ceremony evening events continue at 6:30 p.m. with a choir performing to be followed by an Honor Guard, Color Guard and Taps. Afterwards, you may stay to hear “Living History”, stories from current veterans, at the fire pit on the plaza. Bring your chair and/or blanket.


The Memorial Day Weekend Event comes to a close Memorial Day at 3 p.m. with piper, taps, prayer, gun salute and honor guard.


On Thursday, May 22nd, the Remembering Our Fallen - Colorado exhibit was escorted to the Veterans Plaza by the Combat Vets Motorcycle Association.

The Veterans Plaza of Northern Colorado is open to the public from 7:00 a.m. though 11:00 p.m. It is located at the far west dead end of Horsetooth Road in Spring Canyon Community Park.

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