Taylor Swift’s Discography Available on Jay Z’s Music Streaming Service
Taylor Swift might not be a fan of Spotify, but that doesn't mean she hates all music streaming services. It was announced earlier today (March 23), that Taylor will be hosting her back catalogue of music on Jay Z's new streaming website, Tidal. The news comes as a pretty big surprise considering just how much she seemed to dislike the idea of a streaming service in general, but perhaps she just hadn't found the right one yet.
According to Entertainment Weekly, Tidal is currently available to users for a seven-day trial, but once that's up it will cost listeners $19.99 per month to continue using the service. Compared to Spotify's premium service, which costs $9.99 per month, it's a pretty hefty price difference. But Tidal isn't exactly the same as Spotify or even iTunes. The site's main draw is that it offers music at a much higher quality than what is typically released to fans. So while the service may not be for casual listeners (or for those who simply can't afford to pay the annual fee of nearly $240), it's meant to appeal more to audiophiles with deep pockets, anyway.
The site also has music videos for streaming, something Spotify does not offer. Taylor has not made an official statement on the matter, but her decision to make her music available for streaming -- albeit with a different service -- is an interesting one. Back in November 2014 she explained, "I’m not wiling to contribute my life’s work to an experiment that I don’t feel fairly compensates the writers, producers, artists, and creators of this music. And I just don’t agree with perpetuating the perception that music has no value and should be free.”
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