
Colorado’s Favorite YouTube Channel
Colorado’s Favorite YouTube Channel
Colorado’s Favorite YouTube Channel
I tend to punch up whatever I want to see on YouTube at a given moment. But there's a whole culture of us who have our favorite 'channel' on YouTube. Here they all are!
Woman High On Synthetic Weed Trashes Subway Restaurant…NAKED
Woman High On Synthetic Weed Trashes Subway Restaurant…NAKED
Woman High On Synthetic Weed Trashes Subway Restaurant…NAKED
A woman allegedly high on synthetic weed, known as "spice," went on a crazy naked rampage in a Subway restaurant, causing nearly $15,000 worth of damage. At 5 p.m. the night of the incident, Nikki Abrell entered the Alaskan Subway location, locked herself in the restroom for 2 hours, emerged completely naked, and went absolutely nuts...

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