Ok, so the situation isn't as bad as the picture indicates, but it's still pretty odd.
Grind TV originally reported on this story, a man bought the reptile in Africa as a baby, and now it is 6 feet long, and takes over the couch! Click here to see the video on the story...
Of all the things to do with a stolen goat, to give it a pedicure would have never crossed my mind. At least it was an original prank. A couple of pranksters in San Diego decided that they wanted to steal a friendly goat from a petting zoo, so the hopped the fence and snatched the little guy. But the kicker is, they returned him!
This is one of those stories that I thought was fake at first. Meet Wayne Watson, an avid lover of microwave popcorn. He loved it so much that he would eat at least two bags of artificially flavored microwave popcorn everyday for years. His love for the stuff came back to bite him.
Somebody is going to be in trouble. A mother of 3 in North Carolina had recorded 'Lilo and Stitch' via her DVR from Dish Network and let her kids watch it. Then something bad happened.
In Benton, Arkansas, an elderly couple was being interviewed about a storm that had passed through when all of the sudden a naked man appears. Right in the interview the elderly man says, "What is this right here we got?"
To quote a famous teacher, "Drugs are bad, Mkay?" A Florida teen apparently had a really bad trip on some synthetic marijuana. So bad in fact that he felt it was necessary to call the cops. Twice. The 18-year-old teen called 911 dispatch twice to try and explain that everything in his dreams were happening for real.
This deserves a "WHAT THE WHAT!?!?!" because this is a really weird story. A mother of 5 in South Carolina thought that her family was experiencing poltergeist stuff in her house when she heard thumping and other loud noises in her house. Nope, just her ex-boyfriend living in her attic crawl space.
What is going on with people? High School football player Julian Connerton wanted wear pink gloves to show support for his mom who is battling breast cancer, but the coach said no. So, he quit.
This man must really love reading! 61-year-old Mitsuka Suizu was arrested earlier this year for stealing a number of books from a library in western Japan. This then led to a search of his home where authorities say the man broke down and confessed to stealing more than 1,200 books over the course of 7 years.