This deserves a "WHAT THE WHAT!?!?!" because this is a really weird story. A mother of 5 in South Carolina thought that her family was experiencing poltergeist stuff in her house when she heard thumping and other loud noises in her house. Nope, just her ex-boyfriend living in her attic crawl space. One night she noticed that nails were falling from the ceiling so she sent her older sons and nephew to go see if an animal was causing the ruckus. What they found was the woman's ex-boyfriend who had been living in the attic for about 2 weeks. When he was found out, he basically pulled a "you got me" and walked calmly out of the house flashing a smile before police could arrive.

While he was living up there he packed old coats and jackets into the heating unit and was sleeping in there. He was also using the Route 44 cups from Sonic as his bathroom. To make things even creepier, there was a vent that looked directly into the woman's bedroom that he would look through.

She said that they had dated for about a year more than a decade ago and she called on him a year ago to help install some doors in her house and that was the last she saw of him, until recently. She has no clue how he got to the attic because the only access is from the lower levels.

Did I mention that the man is still on the loose? That's right, police have no clue where he is.

I think I would much rather deal with a ghost.

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