
Original ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ Artwork Sells for Record-Breaking Amount
Original ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ Artwork Sells for Record-Breaking Amount
Original ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ Artwork Sells for Record-Breaking Amount
We've been mourning the sad loss of 'Calvin and Hobbes' ever since cartoonist Bill Watterson stopped producing the beloved comic strip in 1995. But apparently the strip hasn't gone completely forgotten, since a piece of original 'Calvin and Hobbes' artwork recently broke a record at auction by selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Top 3 Toddler YouTube Video’s I Am Forced To Watch [Video]
Top 3 Toddler YouTube Video’s I Am Forced To Watch [Video]
Top 3 Toddler YouTube Video’s I Am Forced To Watch [Video]
My 3 year old daughter has several favorite videos on YouTube. Some of these are less annoying than others, but as most toddlers do, she wants to watch them over and over. Here are her top 3 YouTube videos from the last year.
10 Things I learned From Cartoons That, Disappointingly, Aren’t True
10 Things I learned From Cartoons That, Disappointingly, Aren’t True
10 Things I learned From Cartoons That, Disappointingly, Aren’t True
Growing up, my weekend morning ritual included a sugary bowl of cereal (or 5 or 6 bowls), and a few hours of the best cartoons ever made. Yes, I was a frequent traveler on The Cartoon Express. I was thinking the other day just how many of life’s lessons I actually learned from cartoons. And on the other side of that coin, the bevy of lessons learned that turned to utter disappointment once I disco
Cartoon Network Now Airing Classic Shows on New ‘Cartoon Planet’ Block [VIDEO]
Cartoon Network Now Airing Classic Shows on New ‘Cartoon Planet’ Block [VIDEO]
Cartoon Network Now Airing Classic Shows on New ‘Cartoon Planet’ Block [VIDEO]
I had Saturday off last weekend, and I thought it would be fun to watch some cartoons.  However, after channel surfing for several minutes, I realized that the cartoons I used to enjoy have been replaced by mediocre live-action shows and confusing anime shows (I mean, Beyblade? Seriously?  Thousands of people in an arena watching spinning tops crash into each other?  No thanks.)  Then, just when I
Derek and Beano Watch Cartoons At The Lyric
Derek and Beano Watch Cartoons At The Lyric
Derek and Beano Watch Cartoons At The Lyric
One of the best parts of my childhood was Saturday morning cartoons. Waking up early, getting my cereal and sitting down in front of the TV and just watching cartoons for a couple of hours until my mom made me clean my room.Beano and  I got to relive part of our childhoods this weekend all thanks to the Lyric Cinema Cafe.