Growing up, my weekend morning ritual included a sugary bowl of cereal (or 5 or 6 bowls), and a few hours of the best cartoons ever made. Yes, I was a frequent traveler on The Cartoon Express.

I was thinking the other day just how many of life’s lessons I actually learned from cartoons. And on the other side of that coin, the bevy of lessons learned that turned to utter disappointment once I discovered they weren't actually true.

Here are 10 things I learned from cartoons that I only wish could be true.

  1. People actually slip on banana peels
  2. Popping your eyes out of their sockets, letting your tongue roll out of your mouth, and making an "ah-ooh-ga" sound is a perfectly acceptable way to greet an attractive woman
  3. If you run off a cliff, you will not fall until you look down
  4. If you eat something spicy, smoke will come out of your ears
  5. An anvil is a common household item
  6. Eating spinach gives you Hulk-like forearms
  7. As we speak, evil alien robots are plotting our demise
  8. The correct response to the question, “Who ya gonna call?” Is ALWAYS, "Ghostbusters!"
  9. The deeper your voice, the more evil you are
  10. Acme has absolutely everything

Anything to add to my list? Leave them in the comment section below.

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