Face it, bacon makes everything better. And guacamole makes most everything better too. Now imagine a Whooper with both bacon and guacamole on it…is your mouth watering yet?
The California Whopper is back and better than ever at Burger King, and you can join me and 99.9 The Point at the Burger King on Timberline Road in Fort Collins to try it out next Thursday.
In news that makes me want to jump on a treadmill, Burger King is hoping to win back customers and boost sales with a new menu item that cashes in on the bacon craze in the worst way...or the best way, depending on how you look at it.
Sometime in the past few years you heard the line "wake up with The King" (The King being a mascot of sorts for the Burger King empire). The commercials usually involved a man in a creepy rubbery-plastic mask showing up in your bedroom with a breakfast sandwich, or following you down the street to put en extra buck in your back pocket.
Well, after sales slumped since they introduced The
If -- for some reason -- you ever wanted to consume more than half (or in some cases almost all) of your daily allotment for calorie intake with one burger, you're in luck. All you have to do is chow down on the newest menu item at Burger King in Japan.
The behemoth sandwich, dubbed "Meat Monster," contains a minimum of 1,160 calories.