Skydiver’s body recovered outside of Longmont Airport
After an experienced skydiver with plans to make a scheduled jump didn't return home from his trip on October 18, his girlfriend called the Longmont Police Department.
The man's car was then found at the Longmont Airport, where he had planned to make a jump at 1:15 p.m. that day with Mile-Hi Skydiving. Longmont police, working in conjuction with the sheriff's office, then conducted a search within a one-mile radius of the man's car, which lasted until 3 a.m. today, October 19.
A helicopter was then included in the search, and the man's body was located around 9 a.m. in a field west of the airport, also known as unincorporated country.
The case is now being investigated by the FAA and the Boulder County Coroner's office, and we will update you with any further information on the case.
Information provided via press release by the Boulder County Sheriff.