Say No to Cell Phones at Dinner- A Simple Solution
I have seen more and more people on their phones at dinner and it's getting really annoying. Yes, I am guilty of jumping on my phone to check in, or return a text, but for the most part I try and keep it in my pocket and enjoy the company.
I think anymore people forget how to converse with other people at dinner. I have seen couples in a restaurant for the better part of 30min, not saying a word to each other because of their phones. Kids at a family dinner, parents not paying attention to kids, big groups where only have the table is talking all because of cell phones. It's getting ridiculous! Come on people! Enjoy who you are with! Spend some time with your kids and kids, spend time with your parents. Couples, put down the phones and talk to each other! Technology will be there after dinner.
The reason I bring up this rant is 1. I have started to notice it more and more and it is really starting to bother me. 2. I saw the photo below on Facebook and think that it is a brilliant idea.
It works in almost any group and it is simple. Like it says, put your phones on the table and the first person to touch or look at their phone pays the check. Parents, if your kids have a job or an allowance for chores, use this on them as well.
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