I like to call my wife after work every day to let her know I'm on my way home. Looks like I might have to call her from the studio from now on, unless I want to get pulled over...
Flappy Bird is the reason my cell phone battery isn't lasting all day. I seriously considered not telling people about it, but I have seen it pop up on twitter and Facebook so I decided maybe to warn you about it.
I have seen more and more people on their phones at dinner and it's getting really annoying. Yes, I am guilty of jumping on my phone to check in, or return a text, but for the most part I try and keep it in my pocket and enjoy the company.
Ever been frustrated by flight attendants frantically telling you to turn off your mobile device on an airplane? I have. It's not that I'm so addicted to technology that I absolutely must have my phone on at all times; I just never understood how a super-advanced flying machine could fall out of the sky, just because I'm playing "Angry Birds." Well, as it turns out, the FAA rules on electronic devices may, in fact, be flat out wrong.
After an almost two-year investigation, the Federal Communications Commission said Monday it had reached an agreement with most of the nation’s cell carriers that should protect consumers from “bill shock” — unexpected increases in a monthly wireless bill.
These iPhone cases, made to look like the side of a human face, make it appear as if a person isn’t really talking on the telephone. They’re just, you know, hanging out with their hand up to their face doing who knows what. Kind of quirky.