Elk rut season is in full swing here in Colorado and while typically that doesn't necessarily mean a gathering at a local McDonalds but over the weekend it did.

If you're not familiar to what rut season is for elk, it's basically their mating season. It's a time when male elk are looking to mate with female elk which are also know as "cows". It is also a time when you are most likely to see elk roaming and gathering in large numbers, just not at a McDonalds.

Hey, I guess elk can't resist the temptation of those delicious smelling fries that could go with a nice juicy Big Mac and rumor has it, the ice cream machine was actually working so even the elk know what a rarity that is and wanted to get in on the action for the darn thing broke again.

Lovelanders | McDonald's in Estes Park | Facebook

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Facebook/Lovelanders via Mountain Duo



Whatever the reason, gathering was quite the impressive sight and a reminder just how much we share the land with these creatures and to treat them with respect and keep your distance.

During rut season, elk can become extra cranky and aggressive and the last thing anyone wants is a 800 pound animal with big antlers charging at them at around 30 mph, I know I don't.

Even if you only see one of these things, don't ever try to get too close. Keep your distance and give the animal plenty of space so it does not feel threatened.


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