Odell Brewing in the Fight For State Fish
Quick quiz: What is the Colorado State fish? Answer: the greenback cutthroat trout. It's also a fish that is on the threatened species list. There are folks at Trout Unlimited and Odell's Brewing that would not only like to get them off the list, but to also reintroduce the species to the Poudre River and the drainage above Long Draw Reservoir. Their goal is for the largest greenback reintroduction in state history.
The plan in includes removing non-native fish from the river and parts of Rocky Mountain National Park to make room for the greenback.
Trout Unlimited, along with its local chapter, Rocky Mountain Flycasters, are the featured nonprofit at Odell's this July-September. Odell's is even adding a special beer for the occasion called Cold Water 1. According to the Coloradoan, CW1 "will be a pilsner with hint of sage and wild currant" that will be available July 1. The Coloradoan also said that information about the reintroduction project and all those involved will be available in the taproom during this campaign.
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