Acts of Kindness From Ft. Collins PD and Fire
No job is too small for the Poudre Fire Department or the Fort Collins Police. This week I was so happy to finally have some news shared about our local police department and fire department that shows how our finest consider no job too small.
The first story I came across was about an Officer with the Fort Collins Police Department on their Facebook. Responding to a call that could've easily just been a check on everything being ok and then moving on the next call turned into a showcase of how much this Officer really cares. The officer went out of her way to buy new soccer ball and a pump to keep the soccer ball and their basketball full of air. She then proceeded to show them some moves of her own and showing kids a positive side of law enforcement.
The second story involved the Poudre Fire Department and how they took the time to save a mom and her ducklings from a drain this last week. Showing just how much big the hearts are of the Poudre Fire Authority. They are willing to take the time to save even the smallest of lives. Check out all their great photos at Poudre Fire Authority Facebook. Fort Collins finest showed they are truly societies finest.
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