There is a new way to get the Vietnamese cuisine soup, pho, in Loveland. They're using a 'ghost kitchen' in Betta Gumbo.

MoPho will soon be out on the streets of Loveland and surrounding areas delivering pho and other menu items to your door, from inside the doors of one of Loveland's most popular restaurants, Betta Gumbo. Right now, they're only doing take-out.

They have everything your Vietnamese taste buds desire from egg rolls, spring rolls, potstickers, and wontons, to rice plates, soups, and of course, Pho.

MoPho has seven different phos, including vegetable, rare beef, chicken, and meatball. Their prices are reasonable, with a 24-ounce. cup priced at $10.50 and a 32-ounce cup for $12.50.

Loveland has a few places for pho, most notably Pho Lan off of 29th Street and Lincoln Avenue.

A lot of times you'll see pho restaurants with numbers in their name - 'Pho 2244' for example. There are a lot of those in the Denver area. I looked it up, and it comes down to the number being the owner's lucky number; they're hoping to bring success to their endeavor.

Where Betta Gumbo, located in The Foundry in Downtown Loveland, serves up a great southern fare, it's great that something almost completely different is brewing in their big kitchen.

When it comes to how to pronounce 'Pho,' According to it's 'Fuh.' Like in 'Fun.' The way MoPho spells it, you do get the feel they pronounce it 'foe.'

MoFOE, MoFUH. Either way, MoPho sounds like good food delivery.

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