New Greeley Hospital Treats Stuffed Animals at Open House
At least 500 stuffed animals and dolls underwent treatment at the soon-to-open Greeley Hospital on Saturday, June 15.
The patient list included stuffed unicorns, teddy bears, and The Incredible Hulk. Doctors treated everything from tummy aches, to shark bites.
UCHealth's Dr. Jamie Teumer, left, reassures Isabel Bashor that her doll is ok during the Teddy Bear Hospital event held at the UCHealth Greeley Hospital on Saturday morning.
Parents and children were invited to the new Greeley Hospital to take part in an event to help alleviate anxiety for children in an actual emergency.
Dr. Jim Campain said in a Press Release:
“We do this to give kids a chance to see an emergency room without having to be in an actual emergency situation. If any of these kids ever has a real medical emergency, I hope they’ll remember this day and feel more comfortable."
Watch the hospital staff talk about the new hospital in this video from U.C. Health:
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