National Walk/Bike to School Day Scheduled in the Town of Windsor
According to a press release issued yesterday, the town of Windsor is partnering with Tozer and Mountain View Schools to host staff chaperoned rides from two neighborhoods. The rides will occur along a Safe Routes to School trail, which is the 7th street trail.
The ride is in conjunction with the National Walk/Bike to School Day which is scheduled for May 6th across the country.
Construction of the 7th street trail was completed in October, 2014 which was another National Walk/Bike to School Day. The process started with a grant awarded to the town of Windsor in 2012 through the Colorado Department of Transportation.
The press release states that the trail now provides a vital connection from communities in the southern end of Windsor into town, including school students. Recreational amenities also contribute to healthier communities, property values and increased quality of life experiences.
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