I have a confession.  Out of all the masterful, compelling movies to come out of American cinema, my favorite movie of all time...*deep breath*...is Beetlejuice.

Maybe it's because I was such a huge fan of the animated series.  Maybe it's because I first saw the movie at an early age, and it embedded itself somewhere deep in my subconscious.  The only thing I know for sure is I love that movie.

You can imagine my excitement, then, to hear that Seth Grahame-Smith, writer of the upcoming sure-to-be-awesome Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, met with Michael Keaton recently to discuss him reprising his role as "the ghost with the most" in a possible sequel to the 1980's cult classic Tim Burton film.  The two apparently spoke for a few hours on the subject.  I call that encouraging!

...the writer added, "(Keaton has) been wanting to do it for 20 years and he'll talk to anybody about it who will listen.  I really told him, I have a huge reverence for Tim and a huge reverence for that film in general.  I don't think we should do it if we sh*t on the legacy.  He agrees.  So, right now, it remains to be seen, I have a couple of story ideas, but we're very early out."

If you're not familiar with the Beetlejuice franchise, or would just love a walk down Burton-inspired Memory Lane, here's the original trailer for the movie, plus the intro to the cartoon!

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