911_Call_Center1602_18There are certain reasons that you should call 911. Calling them to tattle on your deadbeat drug dealer is not one of those reasons.

According to WECT, a 911 dispatcher in Hanover County, North Carolina received a call from a man that wanted to file a police report about a drug deal gone bad. He had paid someone else to bring him cocaine and marijuana and they hadn’t delivered.

Obviously this guy needs a little lesson in how the criminal justice system works, here’s what he said during his 911 call:

The thing about it is, these boys, they're running a dope business…they're already dirty. They're already dirty…[inaudible] but these boys, they're ripping people off. They're going around in the street ripping people off. They're selling drugs, but they're not even selling drugs. They're selling fake drugs to people, and they rip ‘em off, you know what I'm saying? And the thing about it is, that's a criminal offense.

This guy also told the dispatched that he’d been a customer of this particular dealer before and his drugs were not as good as they should be.

I really, really hope they get to play that phone call back in a courtroom someday.
If you want a reason for an epic face-palm, watch the whole story from WECT below.
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