A good friend of ours recently suffered a terrible stroke. This stroke has financially and emotionally devastated this family from Loveland. She is still being treated for the stroke and the symptoms that came with it, including paralysis and an inability to communicate. A GoFundMe site has been set up to help the family.

During her treatment for this stroke doctors also discovered a life threatening heart condition that will require surgery. This heart surgery will be preformed within the next 6 to 9 weeks. Medicals bills are piling up, with no end in sight. With the mother loosing her job due to the stroke, and the father having to take a leave of absence to care for her as well as the kids and all other responsibilities, they need immediate help with medical bills and financial obligations.

The Billingsley family is usually the first in line to help when someone is need, now it is time for us to help them. Our thoughts and prayers are with Gretchen and Moose and their family.


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