Colorado became a territory in the year 1861. It would remain that way until 1876 when President Ulysses S. Grant designated it as the 35th state in our nation on August 1st of that year. Today, August 1st is typically known as Colorado Day.

No matter if you were born in Colorado, or even if you moved here yesterday, you'll want to know the meaning behind our state's flag, as well as its colors and symbols.

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What's the Real Meaning Behind the State Flag of Colorado?
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What Do The Colors Mean on Colorado's Flag?

Colorado's flag may seem pretty simple to the average person who doesn't know what the colors actually represent. Luckily, it's super easy to follow.

The blue stripes on Colorado's state flag represent blue skies over the Centennial State. Known for getting tons of sunny days each year, blue skies are one of the most common reasons people love living here.

The white stripe in the middle of the flag stands for two things. The white stripe represents the snowcapped peaks of the Rocky Mountains as well as the history of mining for silver.

The blue and white stripes next to each other are also a nod to our state's flower, the Rocky Mountain Columbine.

The red in the letter "C"  represents the rich soil in the state of Colorado.

The yellow inside the letter C is a tribute to all that Colorado sunshine we all love. It also represents the Colorado gold rush and gold mining industry.

Meaning Behind the Symbols on Colorado's Flag

The letter "C" used to appear much smaller on early versions of the Colorado state flag. It represents three different things. The "C" stands for Centennial (The Centennial State), it also stands for Columbine, as well as the name Colorado.

Changes To Colorado's Flag

The Colorado flag we fly today was actually adopted in the year 1964 when the Colorado State legislature voted to expand the size of the yellow circle inside the letter "C" to the same width as the white stripe in the center of the flag. This enlarged the letter C to the way it appears now with a large overlapping effect.

Now that you understand Colorado's State Flag, learn more about 10 things the Centennial State was the first to have in the gallery below.

MORE: Colorado Was the First State in America To Have These 10 Things

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Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

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Gallery Credit: Wes Adams

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These five hikes are perfect for anyone interested in Colorado history. Although they are all different, the trails all lead to a piece of the Centennial State's past.

Gallery Credit: Kelsey Nistel

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