Dear Fireworks-Loving Neighbor,

Today is July 12th, officially eight days after Independence Day. Yet still, every night and sometimes very, very late or even the MIDDLE of the night, we're still hearing you somewhere near our houses: "pop, pop, pop-pop-pop, sizzle... scream."

Yeah, I'm looking at you, "fireworks people."

Generally speaking it's the people who drive up to Wyoming and blow a paycheck on as many different kind of fireworks they can get their hands on who are still lighting them each night a full eight days after the 4th of July, as if the signers of the Declaration of Independence were still celebrating at this point in 1776. No, they had to return to work already. We do too.

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The 4th is all good. Most people expect it. You turn on all the lights, turn up the TV full blast and lock your dogs in the bedroom so they can't escape. Did you know that the 4th of July is the number one day dogs go missing? Well, now you do!

Even in the days leading up to the holiday, the excitement is real and almost excusable. If you love fireworks - and believe me, so do I - I understand that temptation to fire them off. And I also understand that you spent all your hard earned money on all kinds of stuff that maybe you didn't get to over the long holiday weekend. But, it's time to let them go this year. Simply put, your neighbors are tired of your nonsense.

They'll still be good around New Year's eve, if you're so inclined. In fact, long as you store them in a cool, dry place, they'll even make it to NEXT 4th of July, or even the 250th anniversary of our Independence Day, set to happen in 2026.

For the love of all things holy, please - just, please - let the rest of us get some uninterrupted sleep at some point this month.

Signed with love,
The rest of the City of Fort Collins

PS - You and I both know that a lot of the fireworks you're lighting off are illegal in the State of Colorado. Sure, it's not as dry as usual which makes them thankfully less threatening to start fires, but still illegal. You should have a look at what those fines might run you if you're caught, which you almost certainly will be, seeing as you're only one of a few still setting them off.

The Classic 'Must-Have' Fireworks From My Childhood

Believe it or not, I was never a huge fireworks' fan growing up. In fact, I was terrified of them. I liked watching all the different colors light up the sky, however, I was (and to some degree still am) sensitive to the loud noises and big booms. Sometimes I would have to watch fireworks displays from my car. It really became that much of an issue for me.

Now that I am much older, I have overcome my most of fears and enjoy viewing fireworks shoes with my family and friends. Prior to the main event, I light up sparklers and other, smaller fireworks with them to get excited for the rest of the evening's festivities.

I recently looked back at some photos and videos from past 4th of July celebrations that I've experienced. So many great memories were created during these times.

Here are some of the "must-have" fireworks we always had on hand during the 4th of July parties.

Colorado Fireworks: Find Fun 4th of July Celebrations in 2023

Searching for Independence Day fun and fireworks in Colorado? We got you. Scroll on to learn more about the Colorado communities that go all out for the 4th of July when it is safe to do so. Check out the celebrations planned throughout the Centennial State in the gallery below.

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