Greeley Water, Sewer Rates Increasing In 2021
It seems we're all looking to rid ourselves of the dumpster fire that was 2020, and as we look ahead to 2021, there IS something to be aware of if you live in Greeley, as the water and sewer rates are expected to rise beginning on January 1.
One of the worst things about being a home owner, in MY opinion, is paying for water and sewage. That was the great thing about being a renter; I could take as long of a hot shower as I wanted and never have to worry about how much my water bill was going to be...but I digress.
According to the City of Greeley's Water and Sewer Department, average water rates on a residential water bill grew about $1.39, average sewer rates increased by $1.93 and the average storm water rates increased by 76 cents for a total bill increase of around $4.08 per month.
The rise in rates comes with pretty good reason, as they'll go towards our future with the Windy Gap Firming Project and important upgrades to the wastewater treatment facility.
Storm water rates are being adjusted to cover new storm water infrastructure. Water, sewer and storm water rates are billed in the same monthly bill.