It's been happening every December for almost a decade now:  An anonymous Santa Claus stops by Goodwill on JFK Parkway in Fort Collins, and writes a check for all of the toys in the store.  He remains anonymous by having an assistant take care of the business end of the process; but he orders it done and spends the money.

This past Saturday was especially spirit-filled at Goodwill, as an employee there got on the intercom and announced that every single kid in the place got to pick out a free toy!

Today, Goodwill pretty much knows beforehand that this is coming up, so they get organized ahead of time.  They set extra toys aside so they know how much they actually have.  Kids then get to choose between a toy, a stuffed animal, or a children's book.

The first year this happened, Todd Wakefield was the manager of the store, and today he works at the corporate office.  He made a point to come back for it this year, because it's such a cool day.

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