Fort Collins Clerk Sparks Joy With Matching Bow Ties, Masks
Store clerks, cashiers on the front lines of this pandemic have TRULY been special people. One particular clerk who has found a way to make the best of this situation by creating a unique style all his own with his matching bow ties and masks.
According to the Coloradoan, Tony Espinoza, who has worked for Safeway for a whopping 44 years and is currently at the Harmony Road location, has found a way to catch the attention of his customers with his "dapper" style with bow ties and fancy masks, many of which has had made to match his bow ties.
Tony has over 200 bow ties and over 30 matching tie/mask combos. He got the matching masked made from fabric that he purchased and had sewn from one of his co-workers.
Times are still pretty tough right now, crazy and can get a little heavy at times and people like this are what help us all take a step back and breathe.
Thank you Tony and to all of our workers out there on the front lines of this pandemic.