Many would agree that having good music playing in your ears while skiing or riding down the mountain only makes your time spent on the slopes that much more enjoyable. Now, an app created right here in Fort Collins has gone a step further to elevate the listening experience for skiers and boarders alike.

The problem that comes along with wanting to listen to music on the mountain is constantly having to take out your earbuds and adjust the volume if you are trying to talk to someone at the base, on the lift, or if you want it blaring as you bomb down. It can be a pain having to keep taking off your gloves and dig your phone out of an inside pocket, just to turn the music up or down for a few minutes. It was for this exact reason that boarding enthusiast and CSU grad, Michael Kabatek, was inspired to develop a practical solution that would put an end to this cumbersome routine.

In 2009, Kabatek, who double majored in electrical engineering and physics, joined forces with several other CSU students to create a start-up software company by the name of Stream^N Inc. With their collaborative effort, Noisapp was born. Compatible with any music streaming service, this hands-free app uses GPS technology to adjust the volume of songs being played based on the speed a person is moving at. While going downhill, the volume automatically gets louder and when moving slower or stopped completely, it fades way down. Users are able to configure motion sensitivity and volume levels personally to their liking. 

Noiseapp is available to download for free on Android, iOS, and Windows devices, with a commercial-free version also being offered at $1.99.


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