Five Fort Collins Phrases That Stump Out-of-Towners
I'm not from Fort Collins, so I remember the first time I laughed at the word 'poudre,'
which leads me to the local lingo that stumps out-of-towners.
Anything With the Word 'Poudre'
I think we all remember that moment when we were like, 'Why is everything in this place named that?' But, now, we get pure joy watching our friends from out of town say it.
...Or try to guess what it is AND NO IT IS NOT THAT, ARE WE TWELVE?
FoCo and NoCo
Abbreviations for Fort Collins and Northern Colorado. BoCo is when Boulder tries to get in on it, but that's so annoying. Like, get out of here, Boulder.
The Town Pump/Rec Room
They are both popular bars in Old Town with deceiving names. Town Pump is not a gas station; it's our oldest bar in Old Town, Fort Collins. And, though the Rec Room is packed with tons of bros, the only recreational activities that happen there are alcohol consumption and regret.
The Smell of Money
It sounds like it would be a good thing...
College Avenue Cruisers
Controversial in Fort Collins (according to law enforcement). They spend their weekend nights cruising up and down College Avenue and hanging out in the Taco Bell parking lot.