It's Groundhog Day! According to legend the famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, makes his annual 6 week weather prediction today. If he sees his shadow and scurries back into his hole, it means 6 more weeks of winter. Did Phil see his shadow this morning?

“Phil surveyed his surroundings and found no shadow, so an early spring it will be!”

If that little rodent is right, winter is on its way out. And being that it is 11 below zero right now, I can only hope he’s right.

Want to know more about the Groundhog Day legend? You can visit for just about anything groundhog related.

You can also watch video of Phil’s entire proclamation HERE.

Fun fact for you: Since the first recorded prediction at Gobbler’s Knob (back in 1887) Punxsutawney Phil he has seen his shadow 99 times, and today he did not see his shadow for just the 16th time.  (10 times there was no record of a prediction.) Hooray Phil!

Punxsutawney Phil

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