I was just talking with my wife last week about how it felt like we didn’t even have a winter and barely saw any snow…Well, turns out our state snowpack is at a historic low.

We’re talking 2% of normal!

According to The Greeley Tribune, the final survey of snowpack numbers is alarmingly low, and the worst on record in many areas.

According to a news release from the Natural Resources Conservation Service on Thursday, snowpack for all of Colorado on June 1 was only 2 percent of average — tying a record-low set on June 1, 2002, the year of a historic drought.

Thankfully many reservoirs are above average, but that water won’t last forever. I think it’s time for everyone in Colorado to collectively start a massive rain dance.

Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain....please?

Picture by PhotoBobil, Flickr.

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