It might be time to put down the Juul.

Colorado is currently investigating two cases of serious lung illness linked to vaping, according to the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment.

Both cases are in Northern Colorado. The Department is working to determine whether or not these cases meet the national standard.

So far, the specific cause of these lung illnesses is still unknown. However, the Department warns that vaping products are poorly regulated and possibly contain harmful chemicals that can make you sick.

Vaping is often marketed as a safe alternative to smoking cigarettes, but experts are not yet aware of the long-term health effects of vaping.

In the short-term, health officials are seeing more and more illnesses related to vaping, with the Food and Drug Administration investigating up to 120 vaping-related seizures.

To help combat these rising complications, the state health department is working locally and nationally to find the source of these illnesses.

In the meantime, it is important to be aware of the symptoms associated with vaping and lung disease. Parents should especially be on the lookout, as Colorado currently has the highest vaping rates in America among teens.

These symptoms include: shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chest pain, cough, fatigue, and fever.

If you or someone you know vapes and begins to experience these symptoms, contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Parents who want to talk to their kids about the dangers of vaping can find free resources here.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is also happy to answer any questions at 303-692-2700.

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