While the entire country was looking for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the 19-year-old who allegedly helped carry out the heinous Boston Marathon bombings, one news outlet closed-captioner apparently decided no one was reading that stuff anyway and blamed doe-eyed Zooey Deschanel for the attack.

No, the 'New Girl' star did swap her ukulele for a fatwa. We're guessing the whole thing can be chalked up to someone with a healthy sense of humor.

The gaffe was first noticed by MediaBistro contributor Peter Ogburn, who tweeted a picture. That post quickly became viral, attracting a retweet from 'Soup' host Joel McHale along with the comment, "Oh my."

Thanks to the internet's persistent sharing, Zooey herself finally saw the photo and labeled it an 'epic closed captioning fail." (Unless excessive quirk is now a crime, chances are good she hasn't broken any major laws.)


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