For my review this week I ventured into the world of documentaries and saw 'Bully'. I talked about this movie a couple of months ago when the trailer was released saying everyone should see it. After seeing it myself I still stand by that statement. 'Bully' shines a light on a problem that is in every school no matter where you are and that is bullying. It follows the lives of kids that have been and were tormented by bullies and how it impacted their lives. Sadly, not all the stories end well. It was hard to watch at times and infuriating at others. I can't believe how the schools handled the problems.

This is a very heavy hitting documentary and I hope that enough people see this film and try to make a change. I also believe that maybe this should be shown in schools as well. We can make a difference, stand up and let your voice be heard!

Rather than giving it my normal ratings I am just going to say that this needs to be seen. If you have kids, plan on having kids or you were a kid yourself.

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