I was really excited when I first heard about this movie, I love a good zombie movie, plus basing it off of a decent book helps to. But, to be honest, there is too much hype for this movie.   I have come to the conclusion the more clips and "extended previews" that a movie releases, the more it is going to struggle. This past week before 'World War Z' opened I saw new clips being released everyday hyping up this movie, and now I can see why. They needed the hype because, at least to me, the movie was a huge let down.

Now I haven't finished the book but even I know that this movie is very, very loosely based on the book. If you are hoping for a great adaptation of the book, then maybe stay away from the movie. The movie overall was just alright, and it had a lot of problems. One of the main ones for me was Brad Pitt. I like him as an actor but he just didn't fit this role. He seemed kind of out of place and I didn't believe him in his character. Secondly, they didn't really explain a lot of stuff. They just rushed through most of the stuff that needed or could use explanation. Finally, one of the last main problems I had was the ending.  It seemed like they just rushed through the ending, again not really explaining stuff, and using the cliche narrative over a montage of clips to "sum" everything up.

Those are my problems with it. I do like the fact that they didn't go the route of trying to make it a horror movie because I feel that would have made it even worse. Maybe they can redeem the series with the next two movies (yup, its gonna be a trilogy) or maybe they should just stop trying.

Overall, 3 out of 5 squeaky bikes is what I give it just for the fact that it was an ok zombie movie if you don't associate it with the book, some really cool scenes and if you can grin and bear Brad Pitt in that role.


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