Get designer bags, electronics, and high end fashion items at a steal! I think I may have found the best new shopping site and it's actually really fun!

TumbleDeal is a new online shopping website that takes all the designer bags, electronics, jewelry, etc that are made in surplus and puts them on a reverse but fun auction style sale.

All you have to do is be the first one to "Freeze Price" the item and it's yours. But, the catch is that others are watching it too and you are gambling on waiting for it to go the lowest it can before someone else grabs it. It's fun to watch or to even seriously shop.

They also don't have high fees like other sites do. They're shipping is very low ($2 to ship my purse) and some offer even free shipping! I got my designer tote bag that retailed at $240 for $ was $20! Happy shopping!

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