A Reminder to Drive Safe This Holiday Weekend
I just saw that the Larimer Sheriff tweeted, "DUI saturation patrols begin tonight as well as on-going extra patrols for seat belt enforcement. Don't drink & drive & buckle up."
A good reminder for us all to be safe on the roads this Memorial Day weekend.I mean we should always be safe, but holiday weekends usually mean more traffic, and more people making more bad decisions than usual.
If you partake in adult beverages, make sure you do it responsibly, and have a designated driver or some form of safe transportation.
Last May was one of the deadliest months for DUIs in Colorado. But drunk drivers are not the only dangers on the roads. For instance, KWGN reports that your chances of being hit by someone running a red light are higher over Memorial Day weekend than any other time of year.
Anxious to squeeze every second out of their holiday weekend, researchers say many drivers ignore basic safety.
Aside from being responsible for yourself, remember to watch out for those other people making less-than-intelligent decisions. It could save your life.
Be safe, be aware, and enjoy the weekend!
Picture by 911 Bail Bonds Las Vegas, Flickr.