So, I was perusing the news and found this story about a kid in Russia that had to have 42 refrigerator magnets removed from his stomach. I hope the little guy is okay after all that, but it reminded me how badly I do not want my daughter to take after me in certain areas. Namely, swallowing things.

Here are five of the more memorable things I swallowed and/or choked on as a wee one.

Now that I have a kid of my own, I can only start to grasp how terrifying it must be to have your child choking on something. My parents had me in the emergency room many, many times as a kid, more often than not after I decided to try and eat something that shouldn't be eaten.

  • A Bubble Pipe

    I think the worst one was probably a bubble pipe. Seriously, an entire bubble pipe, bowl-first, clogged in my airway. How I got out of that one without surgery is beyond me. And I imagine the story my parents had to tell the ER doctors must have been a good one. (Picture from LadyLindaLou, ETSY.)

    LadyLindaLou, ETSY.
    LadyLindaLou, ETSY.
  • Christmas Lights

    Next up we have Christmas lights. Not Christmas decorations, or tinsel, or wrapping paper. Actual Christmas lights, straight off of the tree. How I got them off without electrocuting myself is miraculous enough, but how our why I thought little glass bulbs looked tasty is beyond me. I think this is another one where I'm lucky I didn't have to have surgery.

  • Change (Nickels, Dimes, Pennies, Quarters)

    I think most kids end up swallowing a penny or two in their lifetimes. That's not really a comforting thought, but it seems to happen. I, however, took things to the next level and swallowed a lot of change. Pennies, dimes, quarters, pennies, you name it, I probably swallowed a few of them. I would venture to say I swallowed over a dollars worth of change over time. And only choked three times. (And three more trips to the ER, sorry Mom.) (Picture from, Flickr.), Flickr, Flickr
  • Plastic Pearl Beads

    You know what is really fun do to with these little plastic beads? Put them in your mouth and spit them at your older sister. But the fun ended when I put an entire handful of the things in there to try and shoot them out like a machine gun. Not a good plan. I'm not sure how many I swallowed, but I think 3-4 would be a good estimate. Thankfully this little endeavor didn't require a hospital visit, in fact I think we kept this one a secret from our parents for years.

  • Science Diet Dog Food

    Yes, I loved dog food as a child. I got scolded for eating it, I got in trouble for eating it, but for some reason the Science Diet we fed our St. Bernards was like candy for me. I would sneak into the dog room and snag a few kibbles every time I got the chance. Until one fateful day I chipped my tooth eating the dog food. I was too afraid to tell anyone about the chipped tooth, but thankfully it was just a baby tooth and I gave up the dog food, cold-turkey after that. (Picture by JnL, Flickr.)

    JnL, Flickr.
    JnL, Flickr.

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