5 Highest Rated Fort Collins Elementary Schools
With the amount of people moving into the Poudre School District, and the great teachers we have throughout the city, it's always good to check what schools get the highest marks.
I had a chance to take a look at the Great Schools website for the district, and saw that many of the schools have a grade of at least seven or above. The maximum you can get is 10, which shows why Poudre is one of the tops in the country.
But if you're investigating schools to choice your kids into, or if you are moving into the area, you may need to know which schools are the best.
So here are the top five, according to the ranking put out by the Great Schools website. Just remember, if you don't see your school listed, that doesn't mean they did anything wrong.
There are just so many GREAT schools in the district, making the top five is a tough chore to accomplish!
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