Even after angry students created a petition attempting to keep controversial speaker Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking at CU Boulder on Wednesday, he still managed to pack his event with supporters and reporters alike.

Milo Yiannopoulos is a known alt-right activist who works for the conservative publication Breitbart.  On January 26 at The University of Colorado, his speech contained what many viewed as offensive commentary on the overweight population, liberals, the Muslim community, and more.

According to Denver7, Yiannopoulos centered his speech around how "the most beautiful people have conservative views and that 'liberalism is the refuge of the joyless and unattractive people.'" (Source) The speech was titled "Why Ugly People Hate Me".

Over 200 students came to protest, and 3 had been arrested by the end of the night.

You can see more video of the event at Denver7's website.


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