The last time I was in California, I discovered a wonderful chain of grocery stores.  They had a limited, but high-quality selection of unique goods, a fantastic return policy, and great atmosphere.  I'm talking about Trader Joe's.

I was thrilled to hear this morning that Trader Joe's has confirmed it's first Colorado location.  The 14,000-square-foot store will be in Boulder at the 29th Street Mall.  At least two more locations are being planned for the Denver metro area. (I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a Fort Collins location!)

Unlike other grocery stores which can carry as many as 50,000 items, Trader Joe's keeps about 4,000 items in stock and 80 percent of those items are its own brand.

The store is able to offer lower prices by offering a smaller variety of products in stores that are typically smaller and plainer than the competition.

via [The Coloradoan]

The Boulder store is set to open in 2013.

UPDATE: Colorado liquor laws say only one location in a grocery store chain can have a full-strength liquor license.  Trader Joe's is known for selling liquor, including its signature "Two Buck Chuck" wine.  Some are speculating that Trader Joe's could sell liquor in a different location on the same property (much like Sam's Club).  As of Monday, Trader Joe's had not applied for a liquor license with the city of Boulder, according to the UCD Advocate.

Are you familiar with Trader Joe's?  Are you excited they are finally coming to Colorado?

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