Happy Thursday! You know what that means! It is time for 'Missed Connections'! I browse the missed connections on craigslist trying to find the more interesting ones and I share them with you. Who knows? Maybe one is about you!


These are copied straight from the source. I have not altered them in any way.

Mc Alister's today - m4w (On harmony)

To the waitress who always has the black bandana on. I wish that when I come in to eat there, that I was alone. Instead of with one of my folks.
I have also seen you at fuzzy's on Monday nights. Used to when I went there. Any way I think your beautiful! Just never really the right time to
Say any thing. Not like your going to see this but it's a shot in the dark.
If you do thow, hit me up, I like hot sauce but not Tabasco

Walgreens Longmont

Your long hair was amazing. Your left arm tattoo caught my eye and your industrial. We started talking about time left at work and how long you had been at work. Then you go to school. i was lost for words and caught up in your smile. Your dog was brought up Pit terrier like min pit. Cute dog! Had a good laugh wish id stayed to talk but i had to jet ill see you again. Have a wonderful night. Meghan

My kids' tutor - m4w - 40 (Fort collins)

I love your your eyes, body and your look. You always wear dress, your looks is so sexy today. I feel you, and I can treat you if you are interested. Please email me through your email that you're emailing me through it to be sure that you. Thanks

You frequent my workplace. - m4w

We've had few words, but the smile you always send my way is beautiful and makes my day. You came in tonight while I was on my break and sent me that beautiful smile again. You are thin with dark brown hair olive skin. The last time I saw you pull out your bill fold it was made from a material with the recycle symbol on it. You probably wont see this, but if you happen to, send me a message. At the very least maybe will make new friends.

Bookends Bookstore - you were studying - m4w - 30 (Fort Collins)

I'm currently sitting at Bookends Bookstore. I came in and saw you and decided to sit adjacent from where you were sitting. I was wearing a blue collared shirt, jeans, and was typing at my computer. You were sitting at one of the tables highlighting a book, wearing a white short sleeve shirt with what looked like leopard house shoes.You also had on a necklace with a ring on it.

I thought you were extremely gorgeous and enjoyed the few times our eyes met. You also ha a very cute sneeze. I wanted to say hi but couldn't get the balls to do so. If you are interested, shoot me an email telling me what your hair looked like, including the color and the way it was done and we can go from there. Hope to talk to you soon!

Green Eyed Curly Haired Muse - m4w (Fort Collins)

To the muse I see often ----- I wish I could say this to your face. When the timing is right I might.

Your eyes are emeralds peering at me through an unsatisfied soul. They are piercing and green. Your hair is a cascade of dark curls and luciousness I want to burry my face in at night and wake up to in the morning. I see you are in distress with your boyfriend (or ex-boyfriend) and your job and your house buying. I want to help but you have said things that make me think it is not my place. It is my place to standby and watch it crumble. That is what I will do until you are ready to realize it is me you are looking for when I am there to pick up the pieces.


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