home makeover

420 Square Feet Turns Into 1100 [Video]
420 Square Feet Turns Into 1100 [Video]
420 Square Feet Turns Into 1100 [Video]
420 square feet has never been so usable. Moving walls, folding beds and tables make for an incredible morphing living situation where 420 square feet functions as 1100.
Vanilla Ice Wants to Renovate Your House
Vanilla Ice Wants to Renovate Your House
Vanilla Ice Wants to Renovate Your House
Vanilla Ice wants to come to do some repairs on your house. Seriously, Ice’s new passion is for home renovation. He even has his own show on the DIY Network. And now he’s giving away a $30,000 room makeover as part of that show. In his words, “If there is a problem, yo, I’ll solve it.”